Setting: Communion Service in B flat and F | C. V. Stanford
Psalm: 24 (1-6)
Anthem: How beauteous are their feet | C. V. Stanford
Voluntary: Prelude on ’Sine Nomine’ | L. Sowerby
Book of Common Prayer
Responses: T. Tomkins
Psalm: 118
Setting: Evening Service in G | H. Sumsion
Anthem: God freely doth forgive | W. Lloyd Webber
Voluntary: tba
Michael Pain (All Saints’ Church, Batley)
Admission: Free, with retiring collection
Organised by Leeds Minster
Setting: Communion Service in G | F. Jackson
Psalm: 62 (5 to end)
Anthem: For the Fallen | D. Guest
Anthem: Holy is the true light | W. Harris
Voluntary: Elegy | G. Thalben-Ball
Lee Ward (Freelance Organist)
Admission: Free, with retiring collection
Organised by Leeds Minster
The music today is led by organist and cantor/quartet, TBC
Book of Common Prayer
Responses: P. Radcliffe
Psalm: 94
Canticles: Short Service | W. Byrd
Anthem: Teach me O Lord | W. Byrd
Voluntary: Hugh Aston’s Ground | W. Byrd
Alexander Woodrow (Leeds Minster)
Admission: Free, with retiring collection
Organised by Leeds Minster
Setting: Mass in G | Schubert
Psalm: 93
Anthem: Lift up your heads | W. Mathias
Voluntary: Fanfare | W. Mathias
Responses: P. Radcliffe
Psalm: 72
Canticles: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C | B. Kelly
Anthem: Te Deum in B flat | C. V. Stanford
Voluntary: Final (Symphonie VI) | C. M. Widor
Book of Common Prayer
Responses: P. Radcliffe
Psalm: 133
Canticles: Evening Service in E minor | D. Purcell
Anthem: Hear my prayer O Lord | H. Purcell
Voluntary: tba
Shaun Turnbull (Leeds Minster)
Admission: Free, with retiring collection
Organised by Leeds Minster
Graham Barber (St Bartholomew’s, Armley)
Admission: Free, with retiring collection
Organised by Leeds Minster
Robert Poyser (Beverley Minster)
Admission: Free, with retiring collection
Organised by Leeds Minster
Admission: Book here
Organised by London Concertante
Doors open 6.45pm, duration 2 hours
Admission: Book here
Organised by Mediaeval Baebes
: Doors open 7pm
Admission: The tickets for this performance operate on a Pay What You Can basis; you choose the ticket band that you are able or happy to pay for. £5-15 Book here
Organised by Kantos Chamber Choir
Doors open 7.00pm