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Carols and Readings for Candlemas

Sun 28th Jan

5.30pm - 6.30pm

A meditative service of Readings and Music for Candlemas
Held by Candlelight

Anthem: Hail gladdening light | Wood
Anthem: Veiled in darkness | Rudolph
Anthem: O Radiant Dawn | MacMillan
Anthem: When to the temple Mary went | Eccard
Canticle: Nunc Dimittis in G | Stanford
Voluntary: Fiat Lux | T. Dubois

Remembering the occasion when Christ’s parents presented their baby at the Temple, this service marks the point where we finally turn from our Christmas celebrations and look forwards toward Lent, Passiontide and Easter.

Simeon’s proclamation of Jesus as ‘a light to lighten the nations’ is taken up by the music, the readings and the liturgy, reflective in nature, and lit by the light of many candles.