
Music is at the heart of our life and spirituality at Leeds Minster.

‘They who sing pray twice’

This well-known saying, sometimes ascribed to St Augustine, contains an important truth. Singing is an utterance that comes from deep within, combining breath, music and word. So music is at the heart of our life and spirituality at Leeds Minster. It enriches our worship, draws us towards something bigger than ourselves, raises our spirits, and expresses things that we cannot quite put into words.

Live music can be heard in Leeds Minster in our services, in the organ recitals given on Friday lunchtimes, and in recitals and concerts given by St Peter’s Singers and other visiting choirs.

This is made possible by a strong community of committed, friendly and skilled musicians for whom making music in Leeds Minster brings great joy, by the skill, dedication and commitment of our Director of Music, Alexander Woodrow and his Assistant Shaun Turnbull, and by the Friends of the Music of Leeds Minster, who provide financial support.

Choral music in worship is part of a long tradition within the Church of England, stretching back to the time of Henry VIII. Over the years this tradition has grown as more and more music has been composed, in particular for the service of Choral Evensong.

This is a daily service of prayer, music, readings and reflection for the early evening, which takes place daily in our Cathedrals and in many College Chapels, and once or twice a week in many parishes such as ours. It is now sung in churches all over the world. You can attend and be part of it at Leeds Minster on Thursdays at 7.00pm and Sundays at 5.30pm in term time.

Live music this week in Leeds Minster

Audio clips

Here’s a chance to catch up on any organ recitals you may have missed.